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Think Yourself Thin
Section 1
Welcome and Introduction (3:24)
Section 2. What Does My Thinking Have to Do With My Body?
Thoughts are Things (3:26)
Put on a New Hat (2:58)
Think Like a Thin Person (2:28)
Tell Me About Your Epic Moment (5:01)
It's Not What You're Eating, It's What's Eating You
It's Not What You're Eating, It's What's Eating You (2:14)
Embrace Your Weirdness (3:39)
Mothers, Fathers, Teachers, and Preachers (3:53)
Resistance, Forgiveness, and Holding On (7:41)
Call BS on Your Limiting Beliefs (4:56)
What Problems Will it Cause You to Get Thin? (4:03)
Section 3. Mindful Eating
What is Mindful Eating and Why Does it Matter? (2:26)
Putting Mindful Eating into Practice (3:10)
Decide Where Your Comfort is Going to Come From (4:26)
Functional Imagery Training (F.I.T.)
Functional Imagery Training (F.I.T.) Part 1 (2:16)
Functional Imagery Training (F.I.T.) Part 2 (7:31)
Ready, Set, Action! Create Your F.I.T. Mini-Movie
Bonuses! The Manifesting Power of Visualization
Bonuses! (1:12)
N.L.P. Push the Plate Away Visualization (5:48)
Throw Away Your Scale (2:15)
Write a Letter to Yourself (3:33)
The Final Word on Some Food Myths
These Food Myths are Hurting Your Health (1:29)
The Fat Free Myth (7:05)
The Cholesterol Myth (5:27)
The Juice Myth (3:59)
Ready, Set, Action! Clean Out Your Kitchen with this Checklist (5:11)
Wrap it Up
Wrap it Up (2:28)
Call BS on Your Limiting Beliefs
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